5WPR, busted for impersonating a Rabbi and grassroots Jewish organization, issues four sentence apology, Essential Estrogen
5W apologizes, Failed Messiah
Thursday 8/28/2008
Postville revisited, Jewish Light
Tuesday 8/26/2008
Agudath Israel Said to Oppose Hekhsher Tzedek, Yeshiva World
Monday 8/25/2008
Kashrut the Business, Kashrut the Ethical Aesthetic, The Gris Mill
Sunday 8/24/2008
Guest Column: Governor-Agriprocessors must operate responsibly, Des Moines Register
RCA Doublespeak, Failed Messiah
Saturday 8/23/2008
Exploring the ethical meaning of kosher food, Baltimore Sun
Rabbis Debate Kosher Ethics at Meat Plant, The Ledger
Rabbis Debate Kosher Ethics at Meat Plant, Dharma Cafe
Debating Kosher Ethics, LukeFord.net
Friday 8/22/2008
Rabbis Debate Kosher Ethics at Meat Plant, New York Times
Keeping Kosher Food Kosher, ABC2News.com
Kosher Meat, Mom, What's For Dinner
Thursday 8/21/2008
Plant sets a poor example, Jewish Light Online
Kosher ’social seal’ catching on in Israel, Iowa Independent
Lubinsky, Star-K, OU, Hekhsher Tzedek on NPR, Failed Messiah
Wednesday 8/20/2008
Hekhsher Tzedek: Theory and Practice, Jewish Press
Support Grows to Change Kosher Rules, Minnesota Public Radio
Tuesday 8/19/2008
In Israel, kosher extends beyond the kitchen, Christian Science Monitor
Israeli Version Of Hechsher Tzedek Grows Exponentially, Failed Messiah
When Kosher isn't kosher, Jew World Order
The kosher trade - the good, the bad and the ugly, Telegraph.co.uk
In Israel, an ethical seal catches on, Jew and Carrot
Monday 8/18/2008
Every Bite We Take, PicoRob.com
Sunday 8/17/2008
Every breath we take, every bite we eat, JPost
Saturday 8/16/2008
Protection sought for kosher-plant workers, JournalNow.com
‘Certificate of righteousness’ applies kosher justice to workers, Maryland Daily Record
Beyond Kosher, Concord Monitor
Friday 8/15/2008
A Broader Definition of Kosher, Cleveland Jewish News
Agriprocessors is only a pretext, LukeFord.net
Kosher Gate, The Cuban Revolution
A Kosher Way to Treat Employees? CNN International
Is being kosher about the way you treat your workers as well what you eat? , Haaretz
Thursday 8/14/2008
Kosher concept comes under scrutiny, New Zealand Herald
Kosher Fight Turns Rabbis on Each Other, Forward
Exploiting Undocumented Workers Exploits Judaism, Jewcy
More Pressure on Agriprocessors, Workplace Prof Blog
You are what you eat, New Jersey Jewish News
Hekhsher Tzedek III, This is Babylon
Heksher Tzedek, Jpost Talkback
Wednesday 8/13/2008
US Rabbi Aims to Enhance Kosher Conditions, Ynet
Object Lesson, The Jewish Press
Re-thinking Kosher, Ani Talmidah
Those who keep kosher should support HT, Facebook
Tuesday 8/12/2008
Nation Briefing, Daily Herald
Agriprocessors: An Inside View, Emes Ve-Emunah
Herzfeld v. Lewin, Round 2, JTA
A 'kosher' way to treat employees? The St. Lou Jew
Erica's Notes: Twisted Web, CNN.com
Kosher Employment, HR Lori
The Other Shoe Drops: Updates to Previous Posts, The Stiletto
Monday 8/11/2008
Slaughterhouse case fuels kosher justice movement, Associated Press
Slaughterhouse case fuels kosher justice movement, Haaretz Slaughterhouse case fuels kosher justice movement, ABC News
Worker Abuse At Nation's Biggest Kosher Slaughterhouse Prompts Ethics Debate, The Huffington Post
Slaughterhouse case fuels kosher justice movement, Faith in Focus
My 6th Sense, Kosher Today
Kosher with a conscience, Sue's Place
Route 17: The Games of Tisha B'Av, New York Jewish Week
Caso de matadero de aves alimenta movimiento judío de justicia, Univision.com
Orthodox Rabbis Criticized over Postville, Boston Globe
Sunday 8/10/2008
The Forward judges Rubashkins' character, Jewschool
Friday, 8/8/2008
JVNA Newsletter
Rabbis, Activists Fight to Make Iowa Workers' Conditions "Kosher", The Huffington Post
What Tisha B’Av Can Teach Us About AgriProcessors, Jewcy
Thursday, 8/7/2008
Interfaith Voices Podcast, EveryZing (Start playing at 0:37:21)
Kosher Gets Political, Awearness Blog
New Ethical Certification for kosher food, Boys in the Band
The Rabbis Visit Postville: Evidence vs Innuendo, APRPEH
USCJ releases guidelines for ethical kosher certification, The Jewish Advocate
Agriprocessors, About.com
Wednesday, 8/6/2008
A Tale of Two Cities, Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
Hekhsher Tzedek Project, KLD Blog
Keeping Kosher, The New York Jewish Week
What Does Kosher Mean, Camp Ramah New England
Tuesday, 8/5/2008
Conservatives release guidelines for ethical kashrut certification, Jewish Journal
New Kosher Certification Implicates Employment Conditions, Storm's California Employment Law
RJ Lashes out at "Kosher-nostra", The Kvetcher
Monday, 8/4/2008
A Rabbi's World: Hekhsher Tzedek, Early Childhood Education and a Few Other Things, The New York Jewish Week
August Newsletter, Jewish Vegetarians of North America
Jews protest, boycott Agriprocessor products, Kashrut certification evolves, Writes Like She Talks
Sunday, 8/3/2008
Hekhsher Tzedek, Derkeiler.com
Hekhsher Tzedek's Animal Welfare Guidelines, Heeb'n'vegan
USCJ Compact for AV, Conservative Jew by Rabbi Jonathan Ginsberg
Saturday, 8/2/2008
Are You Ethically Kosher?, Beliefnet Windows and Doors
Citgo Gasoline Now Under Hekhsher Tzedek, Creedmoorer Chassidus
Friday, 8/1/2008
Abuse of Workers and Animals: Is it Kosher?, Balter's Blog
Certificate of Righteousness, The Stop Shopping Monitor
Closer eye sought on kosher food industry, NorthJersey.com
Conservative "Ethical" Hekhsher Tzedek Kosher Standards, From the Exile
Conservative Jewish Leaders Propose New Kosher Rules, Jewy News
Conservatives seeking 'ethical kashrut' certificate, Jerusalem Post
Exploitation isn't Kosher, World and Global Politics Blog
Getzel Rubashkin Smears Conservative Jews, Failed Messiah
Introducing the Kosher Seal of Justice, In the Meantime
The Kosher Fight for Justice, Jewcy
Marching to End a National Disgrace, Jewschool
Minnesota-Conservative Hekhsher Tzedek Guidelines for Kosher Food Released, Voz is Neias
New: Shmiras Halashon Voting, Kosher Blog
Orthodox Jews Try to Reason With Lubavich Owners and Get Nowhere, The Problems with the Lubavich
Postville, Rabbi Debora S. Gordon
Proposed Kosher Certification Rules, New York Times
USCJ Issues Hekhsher Tzedek Guidelines, In the Moment
July Links