Friday, August 1, 2008

Keeping Up With Hekhsher Tzedek - July 2008

Thursday, 7/31/2008

Proposed Kosher Certification Rules, New York Times
Hekhsher Tzedek Guidelines Released, Failed Messiah
Today's Kashrut, Jewschool
Cleaning Up Kosher, The Pink Unicorn
Group Wants to Monitor Kosher Industry, Forbes (Associated Press)
Ethical Guidelines for Kosher Food Released, Forward
Slaughterhouse 5W: PR Firms Ethics Are Anything but Kosher, PR News Blog
Kosher Klothes, Rejewvenate
Jews Argue over the Ethics of Kashrut,
Group Wants to Monitor Ethics of Kosher Industry, International Herald Tribune
Group Wants to Monitor Ethics of Kosher Industry, Business Week

Wednesday, 7/30/2008

Hechsher Tzedek and why wrangling matters, Modern Mitzvot
Agriprocessors Roundup, Jewcy
Ethical Kosher Guidelines Released, JTA
It's Not Kosher, The Baltimore Jewish Times
Jews Debate Ethics of Kosher Food Supply, Boston Globe
Jews Debate the Ethics of Kosher Food Supply, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Noted, The Nation

Tuesday, 7/29/2008

Orthodox Leaders to Visit Controversial Slaughterhouse, Forward
Bus Trip to Postville Protest Yields Surprises, New America Media

Monday, 7/28/2008

More on the Immigrant Rights March, Gangbox Construction Workers News Service
Something is really not kosher in Iowa, Beliefnet Windows and Doors
Postville Takes Center Stage in Immigration Debate, Workday Minnesota
Twin Cities Jews Join the Battle, Minneapolis Star Tribune
Marchers target immigration raid: Rabbis also publicize kosher issues at meatpacking plant, San Diego Union Tribune
Iowa Rally Protests Raid and Conditions at Plant, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refuge Rights

Sunday, 7/27/2008

Expanding the Laws of Kosher, Luke
Postville’s Latino immigrants march for civil rights and amnesty - racists hold anti-immigrant counterdemonstration, Gangbox
Iowa Rally Protests Raid and Conditions at Plant, NY Times
Agriprocessor's Saga Continues: Call For Hekhsher Tzedek Builds, Rabbi Arthur Segal
Rubashkins Still in the News, Jewschool

Saturday, 7/26, 2008

No Human Being is Illegal, Znet

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Postville Raid: Local Groups Rally to Help Immigrant Workers, MinnPost

Thursday, 7/24/2008

PR firm’s misconduct on Essential Estrogen documented by trade mag, Iowa Independent
The Kashrus of Kosher, The Jewish Press Blog
PR Firm Accused of Impersonating Rabbi on Blog, Jewish Exponent

Wednesday, 7/23/2008

Elasticizing Kashrut, The Jewish Press

Tuesday, 7/22/2008

5W, Orthodox Jewish group at odds over statement, PR Week

Monday, 7/21/2008

Raid on meat plant haunts town, sparks debate, LaCrosse Tribune
Justice Certification: Hekhsher Tzedek,

Sunday, 7/20.2008

Misconduct by PR firm has Rabbi considering legal action, Letters and Papers from Postville

Friday, 7/18,2008

Misconduct by PR Firm has Rabbi considering legal action, Iowa Independent
A Rush to Judgment on Postville, Israel News

Thursday, 7/17/2008

Agriprocessors' PR company accused of identity theft, Radarsite
Agri, Jewish Simplicity

Wednesday, 7/16/2008

A PR Nighmare, New York Jewish Week
5WPR Scares Holy Man With Sock Puppet, Blames Intern, Gawker

Tuesday, 7/15/2008

Kosher, Magpie Ima

Monday, 7/14/2008

Agriprocessors' PR Firm Accused of Impersonating Rabbi, Jewish Federation of the Berkshires
Last Week in Postville, JTA
Fastest Growing PR Agency vs ethics, The Ethical Optimist
How Fair are Your Tents, John Carrier

Friday, 7/11/2008

No, that wasn’t really Rabbi Allen on our site…, JTA
UPDATE: 5W acknowledges blog misconduct, PR Week

Thursday, 7/10/2008

Kosher Slaughterhouse Management Arrested, Forward
More Problems at Agriprocessors, My Jewish Learning
PR Firm Accused of Impersonating Rabbi, JTA
From Theory to Practice, Washington Jewish Week
Major PR Firm Hired By Rubashkin In Trouble Over Comments Posted On VIN News Site, And Others, Vos iz Neias

Wednesday, 7/9/2008

A new front opens in the Jewish culture wars, Jerusalem Post
Is Agri’s PR firm impersonating Morris Allen?, JTA
Flacks for Kosher Slaughterhouse Accused of Impersonating Company's Critics Online, Forward
So did Agriprocessors PR firm really get busted impersonating the founder of Heksher Tzedek?, Dov Bear
Group End Agriprocessor Boycott, New York Jewish Week
Hekhsher Tzedek: what do you think?, Frum Satire
Lutheran Pastor, Postville's returned to state is was in 15 years ago, Elgin Echo
5W PR Illegally Impersonates Hechsher Tzedek Founder Rabbi Morris Allen, Failed Messiah

Tuesday, 7/8/2008

Is new justice certification for food ethical? Ynet Talkbacks
New York - Morris Allen And His Hekhsher Tzedek Idea Have No Credibility, Vos is Neias

Monday, 7/7/2008

Interview with undercover PETA couple, Jew and Carrot
Postville Update, Standing Firm
Iowa worker raid sparks debate on making of kosher food, Commercial Appeal

Sunday, 7/6/2008

Chabad Rabbi Attacks Hekhsher Tzedek, Failed Messiah
Is new justice certification for food ethical?, Ynet
In wake of Postville raid, US Jewish groups call for immigration reform, Jerusalem Post

Saturday, 7/5/2008

Immigration Raid Pulls Apart Iowa Town, American Conservative Daily

Friday, 7/4/2008

Kashrut, what's it really about? Miriam Erez

Thursday, 7/3/2008

Agriprocessors Responds to 'Unjust' Dialogue, Yeshiva World News

Wednesday, 7/2/2008

Kashrus Gains Threatened by Recent Events at Agriprocessors, Jewish and Breaking News
Rabbi Advocates for Immigrant Employees, Dream Act
Religious Leaders: Immigrants Suffering After Raids, WCF Courier
Raid Spurs Calls for Immigration Reform, JTA
Kashrus Gains Threatened by Recent Events at Agriprocessors, Congregation Toras Chaim
Rhyme and Reason, Rabbi Pinchos Lipshutz
Until Proven Guilty, Agriprocessors and the Rubashkins will Keep Kosher, OpEd News

Tuesday, 7/1/2008

Raid Unsettles Kosher Beliefs, Wall Street Journal
Postville 50 Days Later, Jew and Carrot
Is Rubashkin Meat Kosher? Luke
If You Shecht It, They Will Come, Philadelphia Jewish Voice
Raid Unsettles Kosher Beliefs, Jewneric: A New Platform for Jewish Voices
What Makes Meat Kosher?, Wall Street Journal Forum